FAQ | Frquently Asked Questions

No. We exclusively supply the local specialised retailers. You can find a list of our partners under specialist dealers.

No, the legally regulated warranty on the vehicle does not expire through the installation of free accessories. Since the rights of consumers are protected by law and are not at the disposal of free contract negotiations (§ 475 para. 1 BGB), they cannot be limited either by the general terms and conditions or by individual contracts. A general exclusion of warranty by vehicle manufacturers or sellers is therefore not legally permissible. Free accessories only affect the seller's warranty if the accessories can be proven to be the reason for the defect. The warranty is then transferred to the manufacturer of the accessory, i.e. he is liable for any damage to the vehicle.
Information on the type approval of the vehicle
Accessories that are retrofitted to the vehicle must be approved for retrofitting. The retrofitting of parts without approval can lead to the expiry of the operating permit. An accessory part that has been approved for retrofitting is marked with an ECE test symbol. The ECE test mark consists of a capital E in a circle and a test number referring to the respective ECE regulation and indicates that the necessary tests and approvals have been carried out for the components marked with it and that an ECE type approval has been granted. The states participating in the ECE procedure and their authorities recognise this type approval among themselves.
What is the legal situation when a defect occurs in a new vehicle?
According to § 433 BGB (German Civil Code), the seller is obliged by a contract of sale to hand over the item to the buyer free of material defects and defects of title. An item is free of material defects if it has the agreed quality at the time of transfer of risk or - if no agreements have been made - if it is suitable for the intended or usual use (section 434 (1) BGB). If a defect occurs in a purchased item, the customer has a warranty claim against the seller. If a defect occurs in an object of sale, the buyer generally has the option of demanding supplementary performance (§ 437 no. 1 BGB), withdrawing from the contract of sale or reducing the purchase price (§ 437 no. 2 BGB) and, under certain conditions, claiming damages or reimbursement of futile expenses (§ 437 no. 3 BGB). The BGB assumes the so-called priority of supplementary performance. This means that before the buyer can make use of the other warranty rights of § 437 No. 2, 3 BGB, he must regularly set the seller a reasonable deadline for subsequent performance (§ 323 (1) BGB). Within the scope of subsequent performance, the buyer can generally choose between removal of the defect (rectification) or delivery of a defect-free item (subsequent delivery) (section 439(1) BGB).
Status 01.10.2017 - Subject to change and errors excepted

A digital signal processor (DSP) is an electronic component used for the continuous processing of digital signals, e.g. audio signals or video signals. For processing analogue signals, the DSP is used in conjunction with analogue-to-digital converters and digital-to-analogue converters. Some DSP chips already contain A/D and D/A converters.
Mosconi DSPs are available both as stand-alone units and integrated into multi-channel amplifiers.
Why do you need a DSP?
With the latest DSP technology (Digital Sound Processor) you are able to tune your hi-fi components perfectly to your car once they are installed. Important factors such as the frequency response, the differences in running time between the loudspeakers and many other important parameters can be influenced in this way and thus contribute to a perfect sound experience.